Sunday, July 12, 2015

Wow, you guys are gettin more baptisms than I am out here! ha That is sooo awesome that Jack is gettin' baptized!!! I guess he has been takin lessons this time but hasn't been telling anyone? ha super coooool...I will definitely keep prayin for him. 

On friday I sang a duet with Sister Bosler called "My Kindness Shall not Depart From Thee" its a really beautiful song. And Sister Karli Bosler has a great voice. You can look her up on Facebook. That was fun and even President Lam walked in at the last part. He called us angels. Speaking of which, we got a new MP this week. He is different than President Hawks but says he still holds the same standards and principles, like obedience. He is more relaxed and casual though. Even to the point of talking about circumcision in our Q and A meeting. bwahaha what?!!! I guess he IS a gynocologist.  I like Sister Lam a lot. She is seriously one of the most humble people I have met. They are both converts. Grew up in HK and moved to CA. Sister Lam was converted first with their three little boys and it took President Lam years to follow. He talks about the logical side of the church.  I finally found Aunt Lori's asian doppleganger, Sister Lam!! Wow so much alike!!! I will send a pic. haha

Y'all are great. Keep up the great work. I'm so glad you're all happy and that Penny and Aria are doing well. She has sent me so many cute pictures. If i would ask for anything to send, maybe more lemon balm? 

I love you. My favorite scripture this week was Ether 4:12

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