Monday, May 4, 2015

The World of Paak Muhning, Ice Ice and Baby feelin' the Spirit, The Verdict‏

We'll start with the verdict. Which is I am to stay with the Sister Alipao for another two months of my life:) I get to stay in beautiful bounteous Sha Tin! wahoo!

The world of paak muhning. paak muhning means finding through knocking on doors and ringing doorbells. We just found out that we have a few little areas in Sha Tin to do this. So we've tried it a few times this week. The biggest area is literally in a jungle mountain on the outskirts of Sha Tin. We went at night. BAD IDEA. There are stray dogs around every corner and the houses made of metal scraps look like they are gonna collapse if you knock even once. haha I literally felt like I was walking through a haunted house for an hour. Plus Sister Alipao is really scared of dogs so we probably won't go back there. Its kind of fun though because it gets your blood a pumpin and you have even a stronger desire to get inside a home away from the jungle beasts. I felt like I was in Brazil or Africa or something.

I. and her daughter came to church on Sunday. Haha I wish I had a pic of her because that would say it all. She has got like a half shaved head and is such a hipsta mama. In relief society meeting, when a woman was finished giving a spiritual thought at the front of the room, I. burst into a round of applause. bwahaha it was so her and so funny. They liked church. Also, the day before, we took them on a tour of the chapel and talked about the spirit. We watch the mormon message, "Mountains to Climb" which was really great because it touched her and she said she really felt the spirit. She is doin' great. Please pray for her to feel the spirit even more and have her husband come to church.

Even though today I feel a little grouchy or something, I've had some really awesome spiritual experiences and confirmations this week. I've felt a really strong desire come back to me to share the message of the gospel. That is an answer from Heavenly Father. You all look great and I can't even believe Connor's call! That is soooo awesome!! (Sister Ha's cousin, Connor, she went to high school with and used to tell people they were twins is going to Trinidad on an LDS Mission)

Seester Ha

exchange with sister Taylor

K. a new convert and Chinese Bestie

The district

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