Monday, October 15, 2018

In my New Testament class this week we discussed several of Christ's performed miracles. In Mark : 23 a man named Jairus comes to Christ and pleads with him to heal his little daughter who is gravely ill. As Christ and His disciples travel to Jairus's house to heal his daughter, a woman with an issue of blood of 12 years touches Christ's clothing because she has faith that if she does so she may be healed. Christ takes the time to interact with this woman and in verse 34 He tells the woman, "Daughter, be of good comfort; they faith hath made thee whole." From this point on the woman is healed both physically and spiritually. As this happens Jairus is informed that his daughter has just died. I'm sure that Jairus had to apply a lot of patience as Christ stopped to heal this woman, knowing that his daughter was dying quickly. Christ turns to Jairus and says , "Be not afraid, only believe." This line is so powerful to me because I can also find myself getting impatient with the Lord's timing and with this feeling of impatience comes uneasiness and fear. However, Christ has the power to do all things. He goes to Jairus' house and heals his daughter. She immediately rises and is made whole again. As we have faith and patience in promised blessings we too will be able to witness mighty miracles in our lives.

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