Monday, December 14, 2015

God be With You Til We Meet Again..................In a few days!!!

Its so crazy weird to me that this is the last email I will be sending to you all from Hong Kong. This week has been really touching to see the people's Christ like care for little Sister HA. I wouldn't have guessed I would make such amazing friendships here all the way across the world. They are not just friendships though, they are made eternal through the goal and purpose that we each hold; to become like Christ. I am so so so blessed to have worked with them all and really could feel and see their love for me yesterday at church after I was able to get up and give my testimony. 

I don't really know what to write in this last email but maybe I can share some of the few simple things I have learned on my mission. First, I have been grateful to see that Heavenly Father's children that live all the way across the world from me are still Heavenly Father's children and they have the same hopes and needs and worries that I have. I have learned that we are happiest when we forget about ourselves; those that lose their lives in service of others and put others' happiness before theirs' in behalf of the Savior, will find their life and will more easily see the hand of God in their lives. I have learned that this gospel and this church is Christ's true church and His teachings brought back in its fullness and that Joseph Smith literally saw Christ and our Father in Heaven and was called by them to be a prophet and revelator to translate the Book of Mormon, a compass to guide our lives and answer our prayers. I know without a doubt that the Savior is real. I know He lives and the wonderful gospel He has given is a way for us to fully partake of the blessings from His Atonement that He performed while here on the Earth. Its almost as if it is still being performed because we can be active in receiving its strength every day. Basically, I'm just a really lucky missionary to have come to the beautiful land of Hong Kong to realize the beautiful blessings of the Gospel.:)

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